Big Bang and the Bible

Big Bang
Big Bang

Recent discoveries in cosmology have resulted in the ‘big bang’ theory. Some pieces of the theory are clear, and some pieces are problematic. The clear pieces are in tune with the Bible, and the rest are not. Here is what is clear and in tune with the Bible. (1) The universe had a beginning, (2) The universe is expanding, (3) The expansion of the universe is accelerating,   and (4) The universe is magnificent and huge (at least as big as the event horizon). These four points have reached consensus in both Biblical and modern science circles.

Big Bang – Background

One could say that the Bible is the origin of the big bang concept. The Bible documents that our universe had a beginning and that God created it and stretched it out. (Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 45:12, et al.) Then in 1929, Edwin Hubble proved that the universe is, indeed, expanding. His discovery solved one mystery of cosmology. Cosmologists did not know if the universe was expanding, contracting, or static. Cosmology was doing well, and the term “big bang theory” arose in the late 1940s. There were several unanswered questions, but they were making progress. One question continued to plague them: From where did the energy, laws of physics, and cosmological constants come?

Big Bang confusion

Then in 1998, two cosmology research projects discovered that the universe was expanding at an accelerated rate. This discovery changed cosmology forever. The acceleration of the expanding universe meant that there had to be some large force driving the expansion or some large mass outside the universe giving everything a gravitational force outward. Scientists coined the terms ‘dark force’ and ‘dark energy’ to explain the accelerated expansion, but no one knows anything about dark energy and matter. They know that something is causing the universe to expand at an accelerated rate. This expansion was an inconvenient surprise.

Modern Cosmology

Here is a summary of some of the primary ‘big bang theory’ problems facing modern cosmology:

Everything from Nothing

From where did all the energy come to fuel the big bang? How did everything come from nothing? Having everything come from nothing defies all scientific laws and common sense. Many proposed solutions to this problem require adopting the concept of the universe being a temporal happening in an eternal system. It is the only possibility and confirms one more portion of the Biblical creation.

Space Creation

The big bang is an expansion of a singularity. Singularities, by definition, dwell in infinitely small spaces, so from where did all the space come? Quantum physics has shown us space is very complicated. So, did it evolve instantaneously?

Creation of time

Time doesn’t exist in singularities. So, what created the concept of time, and what started it going?

Basic Building Blocks of the Universe

How did all the quarks, leptons, and bosons evolve and self-assemble within a billionth of a second? These basic building blocks of the universe each have precise mass, charge, spin, and color, all of which are fine-tuned to perform their function in making the universe useful and beautiful. They also have a dual personality, primarily a wave but can also exist as particles. They are complex to the extreme. Scientists cannot understand how they work, much less create one. So, how could they evolve by chance uniformly and intricately in a billionth of a second without intelligence?

Physical Laws and Constants

How did the fundamental physical constants and laws of physics miraculously evolve in a trillionth of a second? They are perfectly in tune with one another, allowing our universe and us to exist.

Dark Stuff

Dark matter and dark energy were conceived when the redshift verified that the universe was expanding and accelerating its expansion. The problem is that no one understands anything about them. Scientists are not even sure they exist. All that is known is that the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. If dark matter and energy exist, they make up 95 percent of the universe. Wow!


Another competing issue for the greatest mystery of cosmology concerns entropy, the measure of order. The question is, how did the big bang start with such high order? From where did the order come? One would think that the big bang started with disorder, but it didn’t.

Vacuum Energy

Then we have the puzzling cosmological constant, which measures how much energy there is in a vacuum. This constant is in fierce debate. The cosmologists have their number, and quantum physicists have their number. Who is right? They are very different numbers. These two values differ by 10 to the 120th. In other words, they are off by 10 with 120 zeros behind the 10. This difference is embarrassing, but it shows a tremendous lack of understanding of space. Please note that those in quantum physics have an outstanding record of being right, and their number may be correct.

Dimensions of Space

There is also debate on the number of dimensions defining space. Some say three, some say 10, some 26, and some say many. No one knows.

Spatial Inflation – Fudge Factor

Many of those who accept the present big bang model embrace spatial inflation. Spatial inflation is the sudden stretching out of space to justify happenings faster than the speed of light. Some physicists do not accept spatial inflation and call it a fudge factor. A fudge factor is what scientists invent to make things fit the theory. S Most physicists contend that the speed of light is the speed limit in the universe. But we know things travel faster than the speed of light, so the spatial inflation notion solves this problem; space inflates rapidly, stretching out space and the light within it. But the problem is, what turns spatial inflation on and off? What orchestrates it? Cosmologists use spatial inflation to make their timeline work. The observed universe is 92 billion light-years in diameter, but they say it happened 14 billion years ago. Something is wrong.


Then another big problem in cosmology is the lack of antimatter. According to findings in the colliders, you cannot produce matter without antimatter. So, the question becomes: what happened to the antimatter during the big bang? When matter and antimatter coexist, they annihilate one another. Scientists admit that unless something separated the matter from the antimatter, the universe could not exist.


One more significant problem is gravity. Why is there gravity, and from where does it come? Is it a particle, or is it curved space?

Biblical cosmology

As said before, the Bible agrees with (1) the universe had a beginning, (2) the universe is expanding, or as the Bible says, the heavens are being stretched, and (3) the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate, and (4) the universe is enormous and magnificent. The big difference between the Bible and cosmology is time. Cosmologists say the universe is 13.8 billion years old, and the Bible says it is approximately 6000 years old. This time difference is considerable. Time dilatation or spatial inflation may explain the difference.

The Bible says that a Divine Creator spoke all things into existence. The Biblical narrative is consistent with modern quantum physics, which proclaims the basic building blocks of the universe are, in fact, waves, quantum waves. It appears that in the beginning, everything was ‘null and void,’ and the first thing created was light. At the end of the first day, God called it a day; therefore, it appears that God created time in the beginning. The Bible clearly states in Genesis chapter 1 that God created all things in six days. The Bible does not treat the creation as miracles; it simply records the creator’s handiwork.


Presently, miracles dominate the big bang theory. Cosmologists theorize that everything miraculously came from nothing. A singularity with miraculous entropy miraculously evolved into our laws of physics, cosmological constants, time, space, and quantum particles in less than one billionth of a second. Then, miraculously, multi-dimensioned space was put in place, and some miraculous force stretched out the universe, miraculously separating matter from antimatter. Miraculously, in less than one trillionth of a second, spatial inflation appeared and was miraculously orchestrated so everything would unfold and not be limited to the speed of light.

The current modern cosmology depends on more miracles than science. They understand very little, including how time and space work, but they are sure that space was created in a time of 13.8 billion years. The present writer is confident that the 13.8 billion years will change drastically to match the Biblical time.


Modern cosmology is converging with the Bible because of better telescopes. The “big bang” and the “big creation” models are closer than ever. The Bible is the fundamental book of science, and its proclamations are testable. The present writer has concluded that when modern science solves the problems stated above, the Bible will stand as the Bible of cosmology.

Additional Reading:

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